Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Gary Kasparov, famous for his skill at chess, and for losing to Deep Blue, has decided to take on the corrupt new Russia he finds himself in. Good luck, buddy! I hope you're still with us next year.

Scientists are trying to grow meat in a lab. Good for them! I want cheap meat. It sounds more efficient than a cow, anyway.

Yet another attempt at a gender-neutral pronoun, doomed to failure because it sounds stupid. I post it because they would like to bring to your attention that we already have a perfectly good gender-neutral pronoun, and it is "they". I use it myself. But they back up their support for its usage with plenty of examples.

Greenland had glaciers 30-38 million years ago, in a time when the world was even warmer than it is now, and had far more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Oh, Al Gore, what will we do when the ice caps don't melt? WE WILL MELT THEM WITH AN ORBITAL LASER - AL GORE HAS NEVER ERRED.

Lastly, you remember lolcats? How about philolsophers? I have to agree with Language Log - these two are my favorites.

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