Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Does Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Have Jewish Roots? | Foreign Policy
I'm not sure that it matters, but it would be ironic.

Billions in aid never reached Pakistan army - Pakistan -
Apparently, of the 6.6 billion we gave Pakistan to fund its army (which was supposed to be fighting al-Qeada or whatever else), only $500 million actually went to it.  The rest was misused.  And the Pentagon and our government don't care.

Is Afghanistan the New Africa? | Foreign Policy
Is our money really improving things?

Finally, an interesting quote from the days when it was still cool to burn living widows on their dead husband's funeral pyres in India:
"You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."
- General Napier

Friday, October 2, 2009

Dwarves found 'theme park' commune to escape bullying - Telegraph
Only in China. I guess in the old days they said "only in America", but we can't compete with this.

Farmer's daughter disarms terrorist and shoots him dead with AK47 - Telegraph
Terrorists break into her house, beat her father, and what does she do? She runs at them with an axe, hits one, takes his gun, shoots him, then shoots at the others (and hits one). All without ever having fired a shot before. Brave girl.

Think Again: Lawrence of Arabia | Foreign Policy
Afghanistan is a mess. Suicide bombs are still going off in Iraq. Is nation-building doomed to failure? It's time to consult the original insurgent, T.E. Lawrence.

Yup, he seemed to know what he was doing, maybe we should finally listen to him?

Mom ordered to stop baby-sitting friends’ kids - Parenting & Family
Because by watching her friends' kids as they wait for the bus, as far as the state of Michigan is concerned, she is running an illegal daycare.

Homeless sex offenders ordered out of woods - Crime & courts-
This seems like a pretty foreseeable consequence of prohibiting child molesters from living anywhere near anywhere children might possibly go. Not that I particularly like them, but God has made them in His image, too, and we are called to stand for justice. This isn't right.
Also, having a bunch of perverts living in the woods, somewhat supervised, just seems like a bad idea.

This girl sings songs in English/Hebrew, and she's pretty good. I assume she's a Hebrew Christian. I'd love to sing some of these songs, too, but no one here in Taiwan knows any Hebrew (including me), so it'd be a little weird.
Still, it's nice.