Friday, September 21, 2007

Bush slams MoveOn ad - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Remember the "General Betray-Us" thing? I'm sure you've heard already, but got a $120,000 dollar discount for their somewhat unbalanced newspaper attack.
Anyway, if you'll go onto page two, you'll find at least the New York Times has some honor - they've allowed Giuliani to run an ad at the same price. So, while they aren't raising prices, they aren't raising their standards much, either. Heheh. Alright, that was a cheap shot. To his credit, his ad was defending Gen. Petraeus.

Shag the Dog - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine
This is an old article - but I found it interesting when I first read it, and still do. Basically, it's almost impossible to oppose man-beast relations on any sort of moral grounds besides "it's icky." Well, I could just say, "God says don't do it, and that means don't do it," but people don't tend to listen to that.
Anyway - if you're thinking of opposing it on the grounds of lack of consent...wouldn't that leave animals unable to have sex at all, with each other, since they cannot give any meaningful sort of consent?
Chalk up one more reason to like God-given, inflexible moral rules! Sure, you can't prove them logically, but at least they deny dogsex!

What's wrong with eating dogs? - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine

Well...that was interesting.

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