Radioactive batteries keep going and going - Future of Energy-
I would like a few. Please.
Children should be allowed to play in the dirt, new research suggests - Telegraph
It helps them heal faster. Actually, this is pretty cool, because they found that staphlococci bacteria put out some stuff that reduces inflammation and promotes healing (and this is commonly found wherever. Stop disinfecting everything!)
Nonprofits get help from rookie lawyers - Giving-
This is good - new lawyers get assigned to nonprofits for their first year, as a public service. It gives them experience, non-profits some decent legal help, and law firms a good name. Also, I liked this quote:
Mental Floss is irratatingly obsessed with being smart - with knowledge for knowledge's sake, and only tidbits of it at that.
However, they do find things from time to time that are pretty good - like this guy, Chiune Sugihara. He was Japan's ambassador to Lithuania during WW2, and when he was ordered to leave the country, he refused, and instead, working with the one other Dutch ambassador who wouldn't leave, they devised a plan to save Jewish refugees, but it would require them being routed through Japan. His government refused, and even told him to issue no travel visas at all. So,
His government reassigned him a few times, then allowed him to go to a POW camp for a year and a half. After that, it pretended he didn't exist, and went so far as to tell the people that had survived because of him that he did not exist. He fell into poverty, worked in Moscow for a trading company, and only saw his family once a year. He was recognized for his efforts only one year before he died (which is much better than I was expecting!)
At the very beginning of the article, it mentions he joined the Greek Orthodox Church. I wonder if he was a Christian? His actions during the war seem to say yes....
Nevertheless, I thank God for people like this, and am thankful that He saw fit to save people's lives through this one man's actions.
Deseret News | Blast closes canyon
This is from 4 years ago, but is pretty scary. A truck carrying explosives tipped over, started a fire in the remote canyon it was driving through, and the fire then set the explosives off, creating a crater 30 feet deep(!).
No one died. Not a single person.
Amazing. I thank God for His watching over people like this, and giving evidence of His mercy and providence and love. I pray that people would turn to Him after seeing how much He cares even for those who are against Him (that's all of us, by the way, prior to being saved)
The Twilight Saga: New Moon | Plugged In Online Movie Reviews
Someone, somewhere, signed me up for Focus on the Family. While I appreciate the thought, it seems that particular group is more concerned with fighting culture wars than for fighting to proclaim the message of Jesus Christ, which is that everyone has fallen short of God's standard, you will be judged impartially (meaning: you are not getting off the hook for anything), and now is the time to repent and believe in Christ as your perfect substitutionary sacrifice.
What does that have to do with a movie review? Not once did it mention anything about God, or Jesus, or why any of the things present in the movie are objectionable. If I can't tell whether this was written by a Mormon, a Christian, or just a conservative American, then something is not quite right. We, as believers in our Great Lord Jesus Christ, must be bold for Him, and use whatever opportunity we have to build up our brothers and sisters, to proclaim His Gospel of salvation, and generally let the world know in every way we can that Jesus is coming back - that there's no room for anyone to be complacent. Steven Isaac, please consider how you are serving the Lord.
Masking-Tape Art, With One Vehement Critic - City Room Blog -
This is the sort of inanity that most people associate with art and artists. It seems so much like something out of a bad parody that I wonder if it isn't.
Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’? – Telegraph Blogs
I have no idea how reliable a source this guy is, I'm guessing not entirely reliable, but I'm too lazy to look this up at the moment.
But you know how the Climate Research Unit at East Anglia got hacked, and their e-mails stolen?
This blog mentions those. And they apparently are working to cover up and discredit evidence that disagrees with global warming, as well as those who dare to advocate against the same. That's not good. I would like our leaders to make decisions that are based on truth, and that are as just as possible. This can't happen when special interests lie to us.
Idolatry on Sunday Mornings, Pt. 1 | Worship Matters
This is a great blog series. I recommend it.
And this is a great series of free MP3s about writing songs to glorify God.
Lastly, this bizarre video, which I saw as an advertisement somewhere:

I would like a few. Please.
Children should be allowed to play in the dirt, new research suggests - Telegraph
It helps them heal faster. Actually, this is pretty cool, because they found that staphlococci bacteria put out some stuff that reduces inflammation and promotes healing (and this is commonly found wherever. Stop disinfecting everything!)
Nonprofits get help from rookie lawyers - Giving-
This is good - new lawyers get assigned to nonprofits for their first year, as a public service. It gives them experience, non-profits some decent legal help, and law firms a good name. Also, I liked this quote:
Murphy, 25, started her public interest fellowship at the University of Mississippi's Civil Legal Clinic in August. She has helped poor clients with housing and tax problems and traveled this month to the poverty-ridden Delta with other attorneys and law students to investigate one low-income neighborhood's sewer problems.mental_floss Blog » Holocaust Hero Chiune Sugihara"This is what this profession is for — it's for helping people," said Murphy, who focused on corporate tax early in law school at Ole Miss. "I had lost sight of that."
Mental Floss is irratatingly obsessed with being smart - with knowledge for knowledge's sake, and only tidbits of it at that.
However, they do find things from time to time that are pretty good - like this guy, Chiune Sugihara. He was Japan's ambassador to Lithuania during WW2, and when he was ordered to leave the country, he refused, and instead, working with the one other Dutch ambassador who wouldn't leave, they devised a plan to save Jewish refugees, but it would require them being routed through Japan. His government refused, and even told him to issue no travel visas at all. So,
Sugihara discussed the plan with his wife Yukiko and decided to risk his career and his entire future by defying his superiors. The couple then spent 29 days issuing travel visas, up to 300 a day, as thousands of refugees stood in line at his office. Yukiko would prepare and register the visas while Chiune Sugihara would sign and stamp them, hour after hour, without breaking for meals. They would work late into the night until Yukiko would massage her husband’s weary hands in preparation for the next day. Sugihara was under orders to leave, which he could no longer delay. The family departed on September 1st, but he kept signing visas even as he boarded the train. Sugihara then tossed his official stamp out to the crowd, as he hadn’t time to stamp them all.
His government reassigned him a few times, then allowed him to go to a POW camp for a year and a half. After that, it pretended he didn't exist, and went so far as to tell the people that had survived because of him that he did not exist. He fell into poverty, worked in Moscow for a trading company, and only saw his family once a year. He was recognized for his efforts only one year before he died (which is much better than I was expecting!)
At the very beginning of the article, it mentions he joined the Greek Orthodox Church. I wonder if he was a Christian? His actions during the war seem to say yes....
Nevertheless, I thank God for people like this, and am thankful that He saw fit to save people's lives through this one man's actions.
Deseret News | Blast closes canyon
This is from 4 years ago, but is pretty scary. A truck carrying explosives tipped over, started a fire in the remote canyon it was driving through, and the fire then set the explosives off, creating a crater 30 feet deep(!).
No one died. Not a single person.
Amazing. I thank God for His watching over people like this, and giving evidence of His mercy and providence and love. I pray that people would turn to Him after seeing how much He cares even for those who are against Him (that's all of us, by the way, prior to being saved)
The Twilight Saga: New Moon | Plugged In Online Movie Reviews
Someone, somewhere, signed me up for Focus on the Family. While I appreciate the thought, it seems that particular group is more concerned with fighting culture wars than for fighting to proclaim the message of Jesus Christ, which is that everyone has fallen short of God's standard, you will be judged impartially (meaning: you are not getting off the hook for anything), and now is the time to repent and believe in Christ as your perfect substitutionary sacrifice.
What does that have to do with a movie review? Not once did it mention anything about God, or Jesus, or why any of the things present in the movie are objectionable. If I can't tell whether this was written by a Mormon, a Christian, or just a conservative American, then something is not quite right. We, as believers in our Great Lord Jesus Christ, must be bold for Him, and use whatever opportunity we have to build up our brothers and sisters, to proclaim His Gospel of salvation, and generally let the world know in every way we can that Jesus is coming back - that there's no room for anyone to be complacent. Steven Isaac, please consider how you are serving the Lord.
Masking-Tape Art, With One Vehement Critic - City Room Blog -
This is the sort of inanity that most people associate with art and artists. It seems so much like something out of a bad parody that I wonder if it isn't.
Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’? – Telegraph Blogs
I have no idea how reliable a source this guy is, I'm guessing not entirely reliable, but I'm too lazy to look this up at the moment.
But you know how the Climate Research Unit at East Anglia got hacked, and their e-mails stolen?
This blog mentions those. And they apparently are working to cover up and discredit evidence that disagrees with global warming, as well as those who dare to advocate against the same. That's not good. I would like our leaders to make decisions that are based on truth, and that are as just as possible. This can't happen when special interests lie to us.
Idolatry on Sunday Mornings, Pt. 1 | Worship Matters
This is a great blog series. I recommend it.
And this is a great series of free MP3s about writing songs to glorify God.
Lastly, this bizarre video, which I saw as an advertisement somewhere:

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