Sunday, November 25, 2007

Fake shark fins may be infiltrating the Taiwan market
I didn't know there was such a thing. I suppose I'm glad, though - it seems a waste to kill a shark just for its fin, so being able to make a substitute is a good thing. Especially if most people can't tell the difference.

Millions in Sales From 3 Simple Words - New York Times
Have you seen those shirts (and everything else) that say, "life is good"? I'm sure you have. They have been irritating me for several years now. I'm not sure exactly why - I used to know. Maybe it's the drawing. That's irritating. Maybe it's the ignorance. Life, for me, actually has been pretty good. Outstanding, even. But I know it's not that way for everyone. Hmm...

What Would Jesus Buy? - Movie - Review - New York Times
It's not an actual pastor in the movie, but that seems to be the norm for documentaries these days - Michael Moore pionered the not-actually documentable documentary, and since so many people gave him money, it's inspired a whole wave of movies claiming to document things that don't exist.
Whatever. It seems like it might be a funny movie - this 'performance artist' goes around as Reverend Billy (Though I think Pastor Chuck would be more appropriate) and his congregation, and warns people of the coming "shopocalypse". It's trying to make people question what it is they believe in, and what they're doing. Christmas is not supposed to be about buying stuff, after all. True, we did receive a great gift, but we certainly didn't get it for being "nice". And the level of spending is really getting out of hand. Perhaps this year it will be less so, but there's always the future.

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