Your grandmother's vibrator. - By Teresa Riordan - Slate Magazine
Yes, that really is the title.
I didn't know, but a lot of "psychotherapy" of Freud's time was, simply, using vibrators on "hysterical" women. Strangely enough, it became very popular. I always knew there was something seedy about Psychology.
Family feud. - By Michael Newdow - Slate Magazine
As it describes itself: "Family courts don't solve conflict, they create it." It describes why divorces are often so ugly, and it all has to do with our custody laws.
Chinese girl swims with limbs bound - Focus on China -
Yes, China, home of the world's highest concentration of crazy people. Probably. I mean, seriously...this girl wants to swim the English channel, so, for training, her dad ties her arms together, and then her legs, and throws her into a river, where she swims for hours like a dolphin. Also: it mentions an 8-year old who ran 2,212 miles in 55 days...also in China.
Do daughters cause divorce? - By Steven E. Landsburg - Slate Magazine
Just like it says.
The priest sex-abuse scandal claims some new, elderly victims. - By Melinda Henneberger - Slate Magazine
How is the Catholic Church paying for the sex-abuse scandals? By closing down nunneries. Or are they called convents now?
Men sleep better next to their mates - Sleep -
And women do not. Huh.
Danger to lead-free electronics: tin whiskers - Science -
For reasons no one understands, tin solder grows whiskers after a while. This, obviously, is bad for electronics, which are not generally in need of new pathways for their carefully herded electrons. (Note to self: train special breed of dogs as electron herders). Lead prevents this. Unfortunately, the EU, with all its infinite European wisdom and world-weariness, has declared any amount of lead whatsoever to be intolerably dangerous...and so lead is going away. Which means tin whiskers will be making a comeback, unless someone thinks of a clever solution soon.
Music to their ears it is not - MSN Health & Fitness
Turns out only a few people are actually tone-deaf. Most people can hear music just fine, though. A few who can't? Che Guevara and Milton Friedman. I had to steal that from the article. It's just too good to pass up. There's a test, too.
Two last things of interest -
Man accused of beheading duck at hotel - Criminal Peculiarity -
He was hungry. Also drunk.
Appendix may be useful after all - More Health News -
This's pretty cool. It might help repopulate your guts with bacteria if they should all die off or something. Most of us don't need it anymore, since there are so many other people around to get these bacteria from, but in isolation, and in more primitive conditions, it's probably really handy.
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